Resources, Articles and Blogs for Anxiety, Relationships and Trauma to help you today

4 Steps to Learn How to Be With Your Feelings
Don’t cry. Crying is weak. Many of us grow up with messages that we shouldn’t feel any “bad” feelings like anger or sadness. So to be accepted, we learn to shut down and avoid feeling. But emotions that start as sensations in our body are meant for our survival.

Body Scan Meditation
Learn how guided meditations can help you learn to regulate your nervous system and find your calm.

Crafting Your Way Through Anxiety and Depression
Crafting helps calm the nervous system and you end up with something to love.

Anxiety in Relationships 101: Understanding Dismissive Avoidant Attachment Style
Your boyfriend is away for work, and you’re loving every minute of your freedom. Then he calls to say his work trip was cut short, and he’s coming home. You’re looking forward to seeing him, but you dread his neediness.

10 Self Care Tips for Highly Sensitive People
Though HSP’s can feel like something is wrong with them, there is nothing wrong - you simply have a trait that makes it difficult to tune out that stimuli.