EMDR for Trauma/Stressful Event
You’re exhausted and overwhelmed with everything. You know you overreact at times where your emotions take over, and then you feel bad about it. You know things that happened in the past are in the past but sometimes it feels like it’s still happening and you feel flooded with emotions, anxiety and stress. That makes it difficult to be in and enjoy the present. You just want to feel okay again. You do your best to pull yourself together, but it only takes one little thing to trigger the sadness or the anger inside of you. You want to find relief from the anxiety and emotional turmoil inside.
Trauma is a distressing event in which a person feels threatened emotionally, psychologically, or physically. Trauma can be seen as ANYTHING that negatively impacts the way you see yourself, others and the world around you. Most people will experience a traumatic event at some point in their lives as a trauma to a child’s brain could be a kid in school teasing her/him and that event not being processed or growing up with a parent who is inconsistent in their attention to you. Then there are the “known” traumas such as a car accident, abuse or neglect, or the sudden death of a loved one. Many people recover from trauma with time and through the support of family and friends, bouncing back with great resiliency, but for others, the effects of trauma are lasting, causing a person to live with deep emotional pain, fear, confusion, or posttraumatic stress far after the event has passed.
You don’t have to feel overwhelmed, afraid and out of control. You can heal past traumas and learn to calm your center. I use EMDR, a technique that works better and faster for healing from trauma. Working with me, clients feel stronger and more confident to take on things they feared, and they feel better in their relationships. Clients gain tools to learn to calm their nervous system and feel more in control. If you are ready to work through what's hurting you and change your relationship with the past, call me at my Boca Raton office or contact me here to set up your first appointment.