Resources, Articles and Blogs for Anxiety, Relationships and Trauma to help you today

Anxiety in Relationships 101: Understanding Dismissive Avoidant Attachment Style
Your boyfriend is away for work, and you’re loving every minute of your freedom. Then he calls to say his work trip was cut short, and he’s coming home. You’re looking forward to seeing him, but you dread his neediness.

Anxiety in Relationships 101: Understanding Your Attachment Style
I had a client struggling with her boyfriend’s weekly biking time. He would go bicycling for the day, and she wouldn’t hear a word from him all day. She would call and text him repeatedly, and he wouldn’t answer. She would feel incredibly anxious inside, just needing him to answer her. A text or phone call would bring her huge relief. But he was on his bike, not paying any attention to his phone, getting the distance he needed and basking in his independence.